it has been a long time goal of mine to complement our line of farmhouse food with products made locally by artisans i know and trust...i started with organic coffee from paupaiz and am thrilled to add salute sante! to the assortment. so...a bit about grapeseed oil. it is made from the seeds of grapes after the wine is pressed. salute sante! advises using grapeseed oil this way:
"...long been the secret of gourmet chefs who love its light and nutty, yet neutral flavor. It has the unique ability to enhance the flavors of ingredients instead of overpowering them and leaves no greasy aftertaste! It makes savory marinades and salad dressings that will not cloud when chilled, so you can use them right out of the refrigerator. The high smoke point (485 F) makes it ideal for hot food preparation which means you can sauté, fry or bake without any smoking, splattering or burning. The excellent emulsification properties make it ideal for whipping mayonnaise and creamy dressings that will not separate when chilled..."
so how do i...an admitted evoo addict...use grapeseed oil? my favorite way is to sauté or pan fry whatever i am making with the grapeseed oil and then finish off the dish with an excellent quality extra virgin olive oil. the grapeseed oil is almost flavorless...so you really taste the pure clean taste of whatever you are cooking...and using just the really good stuff as far as the evoo goes results in a truly delicious dish. it is nice to have the choice...with some dishes i WANT to taste the food cooked in olive oil and finished with olive oil...the evoo is somewhat embedded in the dish...other times the grapeseed oil is the perfect option. here is an example.....
"...long been the secret of gourmet chefs who love its light and nutty, yet neutral flavor. It has the unique ability to enhance the flavors of ingredients instead of overpowering them and leaves no greasy aftertaste! It makes savory marinades and salad dressings that will not cloud when chilled, so you can use them right out of the refrigerator. The high smoke point (485 F) makes it ideal for hot food preparation which means you can sauté, fry or bake without any smoking, splattering or burning. The excellent emulsification properties make it ideal for whipping mayonnaise and creamy dressings that will not separate when chilled..."
so how do i...an admitted evoo addict...use grapeseed oil? my favorite way is to sauté or pan fry whatever i am making with the grapeseed oil and then finish off the dish with an excellent quality extra virgin olive oil. the grapeseed oil is almost flavorless...so you really taste the pure clean taste of whatever you are cooking...and using just the really good stuff as far as the evoo goes results in a truly delicious dish. it is nice to have the choice...with some dishes i WANT to taste the food cooked in olive oil and finished with olive oil...the evoo is somewhat embedded in the dish...other times the grapeseed oil is the perfect option. here is an example.....
**note, slow roasting takes a long time..so plan this on a day you can pop them in the oven first thing in the morning and hang around all day...i did this for super bowl...
winter slow roasted tomatoes
2 28 oz cans san marzano whole tomatoes
grapeseed oil for drizzling
grey salt
italian or french bread sliced and toasted/grilled for bruschetta
preheat oven to 225 degrees. open tomato cans and strain through a colander...reserve the juice for another use. spread the tomatoes on a parchment or silpat lined baking sheet. drizzle the grapeseed oil over the tomatoes and sprinkle with the salt. roast in preheated oven for 4-6 hours or until the tomatoes have lost most...but not all...of their liquid. when the tomatoes are ready, serve them however you like...on top of the grilled bread? tossed with pasta? a side dish with scrambled organic eggs? if you are like me, many will be eaten straight off the baking sheet...never making it to a finished dish....

diane padoven
napa farmhouse 1885™
"live a green life of style™ "
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I love this idea for roasting canned tomatoes. I will definitely give it a try. I have never used grape seed oil before. It sounds good.
thanks judy...enjoy the tomatoes..and the grapeseed oil!
hi vincent..thank you for introducing me to petitchef.com. i will check it out soon....
Grapeseed oil is great, I love using it for salad dressings! I bet the rosemary infused is a good one.
Your cranberry granola looks really good. I make cranberry pecan granola all the time. Do you coat your cranberries with sugar or do they come like that? What is the method for the sparkling sugar coat? Have you found a good source for organic dried cranberries?
Great blog...Thanks!!!
This is the good blog with good images and good details. Please keep on posting the more stuff.
hi elizabeth...thanks for the comments. the cranberries are not coated in sugar...they are just plain, organic dried cranberries...i buy in bulk from whole foods. the pecans are coated in maple syrup and then roasted...how do you make your granola?
Hi. Thanks. Your cranberries look so sparkly in the picture. I mostly use Alton Brown's recipe and change the fruits and nuts to my taste. I made lemon meyer marmalade last week..so good! My mom is sending me another box of lemons from her tree in Sonoma so I can make a few more batches. Your "farmhouse foods" all sound and look delicious! Cute dog!
i love cooking with grapeseed oil. it is supposed
to be as healthy as evoo and can be used in
sweet baking because of its neutral taste.
hi lea...i am starting to experiment with baking with grapeseed oil...i am such an evoo addict that i bake with it all the time...so nice to have another option...thanks for checking out my site...
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