
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

do you have nephews?... part 2

yesterday, i wrote about the love i have for my twin nephews and posted a story by one of them...chris. today it is his brother shaun's turn. again, i did not edit or change a word of the post....chris wrote about the importance of appreciating family and loved ones on thanksgiving...shaun took a different, but equally important approach...he discussed food!! he also shares our family's new tradition...for the past few years, thanksgiving has been held at my sister and brother-in-law's home..this, after a lifetime of thanksgivings at my parent's house. both boys mentioned the importance of celebrating the holiday at their home...that is the tradition they will remember when they are here's to new traditions!...and to nephews!! (and nieces...and children in general...)

Thanksgiving Essay

"Thanksgiving is a holiday we celebrate. It is one of my favorite holidays. At Thanksgiving everybody brings a little bit of food. It is a very fun holiday. On Thanksgiving we eat a lot of things. We eat turkey and stuffing. We also have fruit and vetagblas too. Also we eat a lot of desert. We have apple pie and pumkin pie. We also have lemon cake. On Thanksgiving we have it at my house. We have my grandparents over. We also have our aunts and uncles. Also we have some friends too. This is how we celebrate Thanksgiving. Last year was my favorite Thanksgiving because we played tackle football at the beach with my mom and my auntie. My brother and my cousins played too. It was fun because we got to see my cousins and my auntie was cracking jokes a lot." by Shaun, age 12

oh..btw....the "cracking jokes auntie" shaun refers to is my sister susan...i am not the funny one in the family....

has your family changed their traditions for holidays? please share your stories in the comments section of this post...and, as always during our thanksgiving memories series..happy thanksgiving...

napafarmhouse 1885™
"live a green life of style"

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  1. Those boys are adorable.

  2. Both your nephews write really well. You must be very proud. They are lovely lads.

  3. hi sally...thank you for the nice compliments..and..yes..i know i hide it well :) :) NOT...but i am very proud of them.(and my sister and brother-in-law..they are excellent parents)...
