
Monday, November 17, 2008

do you have nephews?

or nieces? did the magnitude of your love for them take you by surprise?

i do not have children of my own..nor does my sister susan. so 13 yrs ago last month (actually on halloween), when my sister kathi first announced she was pregnant, i was thrilled and knew i would love her child...then a month later (on thanksgiving no less), she announced it was twins!! ...and knowing there would be two babies was even more exciting. (my entire family held our collective breath at christmas waiting for another announcement since kathi seemed to love drama on holidays that triplets!!)

the twins (boys!) were preemies..a month early...and one (shaun) was so small he needed to be in an isolette for a while. so, when i first saw the boys, i saw chris first...he was being held by kathi..i took one look and fell deeply in love...never before knew that fiercely protective love you could have for a heart was full...didn't think it could hold anymore...then i saw his brother shaun...tiny in the isolette...and my heart, i know those last few sentences sound over the top dramatic...but if you have ever loved a child...your own or a know what i mean.

you could say i have no objectivity regarding the boys..probably true..but they really are the nicest, kindest, smartest, funniest, most entertaining people i know...i think family members should be over the top in their love for their makes me sad when this is not the case...i love just sitting and talking to the boys..they are now twelve..but they have been incredibly interesting from the start... in addition to loving them..i really like them...they are twins..but fraternal..not identical...and if you met them you would be struck by how different their personalities are...none of this "secret twins language" for them...they have their own interests, hobbies and talents...more like brothers without the twin connection.

for today's thanksgiving memories post, i asked the boys to be my guest bloggers... i am extremely thankful they are in my life and for the joy they have brought to my entire extended up first..chris, age twelve...note, i have not changed a word of his submission..this is exactly as he wrote it...tomorrow, you will hear from shaun.
oh..and one more thing..for privacy reasons..these pictures were taken a long time ago...nothing recent will be posted can never be too careful...
What is Thanksgiving?

"Thanksgiving is a special holiday. It is a day to spend time with your family and to give thanks. Food is a staple part of this holiday, but we should not forget the real meaning of Thanksgiving. Some people just scarf down their food and then watch TV. What's the point of celebrating a holiday like that? It brings nothing memorable to a day that should be one-of-a-kind.

Thanksgiving is a day to spend time with your family. Some people like to have a small celebration with their immediate family. Others, like my family, have a huge get together with 10 or more people. The occasion is very special for I am spending time with the people I love. It is also a day to give thanks (that's what the name is) to God and to everyone who has ever done something for you. On this day, you should really take time to think about anything someone has done for you and to let them know how important they are in your life. Give thanks to God as well. "Uncle Bob" may have helped you get your first job, but God willed him to do so. God controls everything.

Don't take Thanksgiving for granted, because it only happens once a year. Remember the true meaning of the holiday too. Give thanks and hang out with your family."

Chris, 12 years old

as family members, you try to teach your children the true meaning of holidays....i think chris "gets it"!!.....o.k. do you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins or other children in your life? do you have a great thanksgiving story about them to share? please tell me about it in the comments section of this post...and... as always this month...happy thanksgiving!


napafarmhouse 1885™
"live a green life of style"

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  1. I have thirteen nieces and nephews. I completely understand the love you have for your guys. I feel the same way about my brood. Thank you for a beautiful story. Chris sounds like a terrific kid.


  2. yes..chris and shaun are both terrific, thirteen..i thought two were a lot..good luck with your group! :)

  3. I love your memories series, especially the stories about families.
