
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

are you part of the green smoothie craze? want three recipes?

i have started drinking a green smoothie every day for breakfast.  this started last fall during the "cleanse" i told you about.  i admit that i was a bit skeptical regarding the taste...figured this would be one of those "doesn't taste good, but good for you so suck it up diane" moments.  you know what?  they actually are delicious.  who knew?

actually, a number of my friends knew.  my friend karen has been doing this for years.  she is a certified nutrition educator, a talented chef and authors a wonderful blog cook 4 seasons.  i continue to learn so much from her regarding the science of nutritious ingredients. so i started with her green smoothie recipe because i knew it would help me accomplish my goal of adding more greens to my diet and because i knew it would taste really good. 

then i started the infamous cleanse.  my friend laura started the "community cleanse" with the premise that a group of people cleansing at the same time could offer support, ideas, recipes, etc to ensure everyone achieved success.  she also advocates starting the day with a green smoothie...and her version really amps up the vegetables...frozen peas, red bell pepper, name a few.  i tried her recipe and, once again, it was surprisingly delicious.  she adds apple and it is amazing how sweet this makes it without any added sweeteners.  try laura's smoothie by clicking will need to go to the bottom of the page.

i took components from each of these green smoothie recipes to create the one i make most often...i like adding a few more vegetables, but i wanted the protein that comes from almond milk and nut butter.  i also like to mix it up a bit...some mornings i will follow laura's recipe exactly, sometimes karen's, sometimes mine...and i am constantly tweaking based on whatever is in season...or looks good at the organic market...or what i have on hand.  and, you know what...the expression "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" has never been more true.  i honestly feel energetic, focused and more alert just by following the green smoothie craze.  give it a try...craze?  or lifelong habit?  stay tuned...

farmhouse green smoothie
1 cup almond milk
2 1/2 tbsp brown rice protein powder (i use jarrow's vanilla flavor)
8 leaves organic kale (i use lacinto kale)
1/2 bunch organic italian parsley
1 stalk organic celery
1 organic apple
1 organic banana (i chop up bananas and store in freezer for my smoothies)
1/2 cup fresh or frozen organic blueberries
1 tbsp peanut or almond butter (optional)
2 tbsp organic flax oil

chop or tear fruit and vegetables into large pieces.  add all ingredients to blender.  chop, pulse, puree until mixture is smooth.  serve immediately.  (makes 2) once in a while (especially sunday mornings) i do feel like something else for breakfast...eggs? pancakes? waffles?...  i try to sneak in a green smoothie for lunch and/or ensure i am getting a ton of greens in something else i eat that day.  are you trying to incorporate more fruits & vegetables into your diet?  how?  what is working for you?  please share in the comments section below...


diane padoven
napa farmhouse 1885™
"live a green life of style™ "

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  1. Sounds very healthy. Love the Amapola plate. Lady Di had this as her everyday dishes.

  2. Wow, thank you for all the kudos! I may have created one of the many recipes for a green smoothie, but I marvel at your ability to commit to the cleanse. You must feel great! Greens are a major part of almost every meal for me - and for energy, even better than coffee.

  3. thanks baker man! i did not know lady di also had the amapola collection...very interesting.

  4. you are welcome karen! and yes, i do feel good after almost three months of cleansing. but i must confess that i am happy for a bit of a break. i have missed really good french/sourdough bread...maybe some wine? ha!
