
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

is it corn week yet?

i just spent the past 5 days in southern california visiting family. we stayed at my sister and brother-in-law's home in seal beach. they live two blocks from the beach i am a so cal beach girl at heart....i spent a great deal of time sitting on the sand thinking, dreaming, planning. i have never found a place where i feel more at peace than at the beach.

now it is tuesday night and i am back in napa and slammed with projects. i have not yet figured out how to have my own business and take time off without suffering the consequences of trying to catch up. i have spent the day filling orders and updating paperwork....not testing corn recipes for week two of summer fest like i had planned. i even had the perfect dish selected....grilled corn with onion spread...kind of like a fresh, organic, delicious onion dip..without all the scary ingredients you typically find in packaged mixes. i have been making it all summer and was all set to make, photograph and blog it....i really am determined to share it with check out my blog this weekend. i adore fresh two corn posts in a row is ok...right?

a couple of years ago, i posted a recipe for a family favorite... corny corny lena cake... a chocolate cake made with fresh corn. unusual? yes. delicious? of course! i thought i would repost as it is definitely worth repeating. i am posting chocolate vegetable cakes two weeks in a row. zucchini cake last week? chocolate & corn cake this week? think it is time to move away from desserts for a few weeks?

so...check out this post from 2008 to get the background story and the recipe for the lena cake...and please share your favorite corn recipes in the comments section.

as always...much thanks to margaret roachand deb puchalla for coordinating summer fest 2010....
best and happy cooking!

diane padoven
napa farmhouse 1885™"live a green life of style™ "
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  1. A chocolate cake with corn - what an intriguing idea! I'm always looking for a new "sweet treat" to surprise guests with when they return to the inn after a day of wine tasting. My only problem is finding the time to test a new recipe, but I think I must in this case.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This looks scrumptious! You know how I love playing with veggies in my desserts:)

  4. hi deborah! i would love to hear that the chocolate & corn cake is being served at your beautiful inn...let me know if you try the recipe...

  5. hi karen...i know...two weeks in a row of veggie/dessert recipes. the choc/corn cake is not quite as "healthy" as last week's zucchini it is for the special occasion category.

    your zucchini/pesto "pasta" looks i need to buy a mandoline along with the whipped cream thingy...

  6. thanks margaret! let me know if you try the cake...and, as always, thanks so much for sponsoring summerfest! i appreciate all of your hard work with this...

  7. Diane,
    I made your corn cake the last time you blogged about it and my family LOVED it. I will be making it again. Thank you for reminding me about the cake.


  8. well, I'm gonna have to try that!!!!!!
    I love corn season. yummo.

  9. Love, love, love this cake! We included it on "Fun Food Saturday" this week at the Jolly Tomato:
