
Sunday, November 22, 2009

happy thanksgiving...have you finalized your menu? and a recipe for roasted brussels sprouts

happy thanksgiving week everyone! it is sunday and twitter, facebook and other social networking sites are flooded with people talking about what they are going to make for thanksgiving dinner....many have noted that they still are not sure what to cook....uh oh....hate to bring it up, but we only have three days left to plan, shop and i thought i would offer a little bit of help

last year, i did a thanksgiving blog round-up and invited some of my favorite bloggers, a few good friends...and my family to submit posts about their favorite t-day memories. i also asked if they would share their favorite traditional recipes. i loved the series so much...and reread a number of the stories last week. it occurred to me that newer readers might appreciate these delicious dishes...and get some ideas to complete their own menus...

click on this link for thanksgiving 2008 to view the entire sarah's french apple pie, theresa's gingerbread cake, colleen's green beans, or my smashed garlic potatoes. wondering what to do with left-over turkey? try diane and todd's delicious turkey egg rolls with bacon...and if you pop over into december persimmon muffins are profiled. i actually started sharing the stories last click here to find recipes for cranberries (2 options one from jean and one from dianne)...and a couple of vegetarian pasta options to round out your dinner....

so...while no recipes for turkey so have potatoes, vegetables, pasta, cranberries, dessert...and day after left-overs covered....all the dishes are there you go...a bit of a stress free planning blog for t-day 2009...enjoy!

i thought i would add one more recipe to the mix....a different version of brussels sprouts. while recipes for this vegetable abound at this time of year...many, many people i know turn up their noses and say...."oh no..i do not like brussels sprouts!" know what? sliced and roasted at high heat in e.v.o.o. & garlic with a splash of balsamic creates a totally different texture and taste....and no one i know has ever taken a bite and responded with anything but..."these are delicious" always, the ingredients really do make the difference so...if you can...choose local, organic or sustainably grown produce, excellent quality extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar...and good grey salt and black pepper....
we had a bit of fun with our raw brussels sprout photograph...just to make the point that....when roasted...they are as sweet as candy. do you like them in the candy dish?

for me, thanksgiving this year is a family reunion....about 50 of us....i am making the brussels sprouts. i know they will be a hit...and i love knowing they will become a new tradition for our annual t-day menu...

roasted brussels sprouts with garlic
1 lb brussels sprouts
6 cloves peeled garlic
extra virgin olive oil
grey salt
freshly cracked black pepper
excellent quality balsamic vinegar

preheat oven to 400 degrees. wash brussels sprouts and remove tough outer leaves. remove stems and cut sprouts lengthwise into thin slices (about 1/4 inch thick). slice garlic cloves lengthwise as thinly as you can. spread brussels sprouts and garlic in bottom of foil lined, rimmed baking sheet. drizzle olive oil over vegetables...enough so everything is well coated...and sprinkle with the salt and pepper. roast in preheated oven for approx. 30 minutes....until the sprouts are very tender and well caramelized. remove from oven and place sprouts on serving plate. drizzle with the balsamic vinegar. taste and adjust seasonings if needed.

*note...this recipes serves 4 so adjust accordingly for large t-day crowds.

so...whether you are celebrating the holiday with a huge crowd...or an intimate gathering....have a very, very happy thanksgiving.


diane padoven
napa farmhouse 1885
"live a green life of style"
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  1. Oh, Diane, that looks great! My DH with the lactose intolorant, gassy, can't - eat anything - hardly stomach, just loves brussel sprouts. (as an aside, any reason they are called sprouts? that you know of? that makes any sense?). Anyway, we eat them for Thanksgiving with turkey and for Christmas with Lamb and Rosemary. Thanks for the grilled version. Especially this year when one of my four burners on my stovetop is history!

    Check out my blog to see some of my holiday decorations. My son is here already and my daughter and son-in-law will be here sometime on Thanksgiving Day. Please pray for no snowstorm on my mountain! So, I will have to tell that bird to hang on till they get here.

    Although, she is a vegetarian, so her meal will be just a little different. Avocados and tofu instead of turkey. Did you ever know a vegetarian veterinarian? Haw, hee!

  2. hey mountain happy you like the recipe...let me know if you make it for t-day...checked out your blog...the decorations are beautiful...happy thanksgiving!

  3. Mmmm! I adore Brussels sprouts! (No, "adore" is not too strong a word.) In fact, BA has a recipe for a sprouts slaw I'm tempted to try for the big day tomorrow.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  4. hi rachelle...happy belated t-day...hope you had a terrific week off and a wonderful holiday. did you make the brussel sprouts??

