
Thursday, August 20, 2009

extra virgin olive oil biscuits?

by now my addiction to extra virgin olive oil is well known....i use the stuff in just about everything. for the past few years i have even revised many of my baked goods recipes to substitute e.v.o.o. for vegetable oil and/or butter. now, don't get me wrong. sometimes nothing can replace butter...but... to me... olive oil provides a delicious alternative.

take biscuits for example. i have a couple of recipes for traditional biscuits that call for butter...they are delicious, light, flaky, buttery...and certain dishes just seem to require this version. but last year i developed a recipe for biscuits using extra virgin olive oil instead of butter. even better, they are drop biscuits, eliminating the need to roll out and cut the dough...perfect for last minute requests...lazy sunday mornings....and weeknight dinners. i find they are fast becoming favorites for my family and friends. i make them all the time...have even experimented with optional ingredients like fresh herbs, onions, cheese....they all work.

a couple of regular readers emailed me recently and asked if i am anti-butter? oh no!...i do not mean to start a controversy :) .... as i said..sometimes there really is no substitute for butter...and, since my book club is reading julie and julia ...and i am rereading all the recipes in mastering the art of french cooking...i am inundated with butter. but i really do find that i have transitioned to cooking and baking with e.v.o.o. about 90% of the time. i know it is healthier...and...honestly...i just like the taste better. one has to choose a permanent solution....mix and match. but i do urge you to experiment with baking using olive oil.

to make those experiments easier...i have posted a butter to olive oil conversion chart. i found this on the internet years ago and find it works perfectly for my recipes....give it a try...and please let me know what you think of the biscuits.

butter to olive oil conversion chart

butter......olive oil
1 tsp ............3/4 tsp
1 tbsp...........2 1/4 tsp
2 tbsp ..........1 1/2 tsp
1/4 cup .......3 tbsp
1/3 cup .......1/4 cup
1/2 cup........1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp
2/3 cup.......1/2 cup
3/4 cup.......1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp
1 cup ..........3/4 cup

i make these biscuits all the time...for breakfast with eggs... served alongside soups, stews, chili for lunch or husband adores them with oven fried chicken (made with e.v.o.o. of course) coleslaw and roasted sweet potato fries (again with the olive you see a pattern?)
he loves the biscuits slathered our persimmon-jalapeno jam.

extra virgin olive oil drop biscuits
3 cups organic unbleached flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp alum free baking powder
2 tsp organic sugar (optional)
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
3/4 cup milk...any kind...i use 2%

preheat oven to 400 degrees. you will need a non-stick baking sheet...or use silpat or parchment paper on a regular sheet. using a large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients. add the olive oil and stir using a fork. large lumps will form and the flour will not be totally mixed into the dough. gradually add the milk a little bit at a time just until all the flour is incorporated into the dough...note you may not need all the milk.

the biscuits are formed by placing forkfuls of dough onto prepared sheets. place in preheated oven and bake for approximately 25 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown. i use approximately 2 forkfuls of dough for each biscuit (about 2 tbsp)...but you can make yours as small or large as you like. baking times will vary depending on size. serve immediately
unbaked biscuits

variations...these biscuits are very versatile...depending on what i am serving them with i sometimes add one or more of the following ingredients....fresh chives, italian parsley, basil, rosemary, minced garlic, diced onions, cheese

the recipe as written makes large biscuits...but as an alternative...make them half the size...and fill with ham, smoked salmon or dilled chicken for terrific appetizers....

so...extra virgin olive oil biscuits? what do you think?


diane padoven
napa farmhouse 1885
"live a green life of style"

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  1. I think these sound really good. I will give them a try. I love the many ways you use Olive Oil.

  2. I saw the twitter comments from people who tried the biscuits and loved them. I am hosting brunch this weekend and will make them to serve along with eggs, bacon, fruit and various pastries. Sounds yummy!

  3. I want some biscuits! I think I will make your recipe tonight. Just wish the weather wasn't so HOT!!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I've never heard of baking with olive oil instead of butter or shortening. Can you make pie crusts this way?

  6. I completely stumbled on this via google, made them (cutting the recipe down to 2/3rds for 12 biscuits and adding some lemon zest) and it came out ridiculously tasty. Only needed to bake about 20 minutes with my quantities.

  7. hi kellie, jessie, penny and karen..thank you for your comments...jessie, how was the brunch? did you try the biscuits? and karen, good question... i tried to make a pie crust with turned out like a, for now, i would say the answer is no....but i will keep experimenting!
    best all,

  8. hi luna..and thanks for the comments..the addition of lemon zest sounds really good...i will give it a try....i am so glad you liked the is one of my favs...
    pls visit often!

  9. Well, I will have to try some evoo biscuits!

  10. I wanted a healthier biscuit with all the flaky goodness of one made with butter. I'm so glad I found your recipe! I added rosemary (per your suggestion) and chopped olives; with eggs and chicken sausage, it was an unstoppable combo! Thank you!

  11. So easy! I love the "fruitiness" of the evoo - thanks for the recipe!

  12. tiana, you are welcome! so glad you enjoyed the recipe...and your brunch dish is on my list to try....

  13. tiana, you are welcome! so glad you enjoyed the recipe...and your brunch dish is on my list to try....

  14. lisa,
    i agree. evoo makes everything better...agree?
    thanks for the post...
