
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

at long last...the limoncello is finished!!!

so the memorial day holiday weekend begins in 9 days. the weather is supposed to be warm...we have nothing we absolutely have to do...and many of our friends have talked about coming to now, you know how much i love i am like a kid waiting for the last day of school. and... guess what?...the limoncello is finished and in the freezer. it just doesn't get better than that.

for first time readers of my blog, here is the limoncello background. i first wrote about my love of this liqueur...and shared my recipe...back in february. my meyer lemon tree gives us tons of fruit each year...and limoncello is one of our favorite ways to use up the bounty. i explained that the recipe requires 80 days of infusing...and invited readers to make a batch with me...kind of a world-wide group lesson. read the first post want some ice cold limoncello this summer? for the complete story and the first step.

the first step involves 40 days of infusing. now, i should say that the recipe is easy...just requires patience...and i was very happy to hear that a large group of people signed up to make the limoncello...some posted in the comments section...many more emailed me to share their recipes...or tweaks to my version. we had a hot debate over using 100 proof vodka (my way) or using everclear...which actually scares me a bit :)... and then, 40 days later, i posted the second set of steps in limoncello, part 2.
limoncello, step 1

the second round of 40 days officially ended last week...and we completed the final steps of straining and bottling...and stashing in the freezer. we ended up with 2 large bottles...and 8 smaller ones...that should last a while...except many of our friends read my blog...and have been not-so-patiently waiting for the limoncello to be finished. why do i have a sneaking suspicion we will have loads of "just happened to be dropping by" visits memorial day weekend? if you know me you know that nothing could make me happier...

limoncello, step 2

so, for all my limoncello making readers...the last set of instructions are as follows...

limoncello, finished product!!

meyer lemon limoncello, part 3

pour limoncello through a cheesecloth covered large pitcher. (if you doubled the recipe like i did, this may require a couple of steps). divide among glass bottles and... because this needs to be stored in the freezer... i use rubber stoppers vs cork...

that's it...for those of you who made the limoncello with me...please let me know what you think of the final result...for first time is never too late to start...try to find meyer lemons...i think it makes a big difference in the taste...but if they are not available in your area, regular lemons work well also...the hardest part is waiting the 80 start today..and you will have limoncello the first week of august!!!

yeah, summer!!

salute! (cheers! in italian)


diane padoven

napa farmhouse 1885™

"live a green life of style"™

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  1. I started my batch about a week after yours, so I am ready for the bottling too. I can't wait to try this as I have never had Limoncello before. Your description made it irresistible!

    Thank you for your wonderful blog. I will let you know how mine turns out.

    Bonnie (from Colorado)

  2. I made the Limoncello too! And I found the Meyer lemons. I will finish the recipe this weekend and let you know how it turned out. My friends are questioning the Rosemary ???, but I trust you so I added it. I know it will be good.

  3. Oh wow...This looks amazing! I'm going to have to try making some. It really looks fabulous!

  4. So right now we have about 1.5 l of Buddha's Hand-cello on hand (so to speak) and another batch of pompelmo-limoncello (grapefruit and lemon) in the infusion phase. My pompelmocello from last year was a great success. Our friends at Married... with Dinner have done bergamotcello, and that's really interesting. Fun to play with variations!

  5. You've inspired me to break into my own batch over Memorial Day weekend. Actually, I'll probably test my batch this weekend, since we're in for some piping hot weather!

  6. hi dianne..yes, you really should make the limoncello...easy and i know you will love it! thank you so much for the "link love"...appreciate it...


  7. thanks have totally inspired me! i have thought about making "orancello"... with the mandarin oranges from my tree...but the grapefruit one sounds delicious...and the fun to keep experimenting with various fruit and herb combinations!

    thanks for the ideas...and keep em coming please...

  8. hi rachelle...yes, we are not waiting for the holiday weekend either...going to be in the high
    90's this weekend so...napa farmer's market for fresh produce? check...sunscreen? cold limoncello? we come!!

  9. I hope your limoncello is sinfully delicious-nothing better on a summer evening, except limoncello cheesecake to go with it!

  10. Just stumbled upon your blog and I love it!! I will definitely be following..and I have added you to my blogroll on my main page. Your dog is just adorable! :) I'll have to try this Limoncello for sure! How refreshing for summer. :)

  11. welcome back linda are correct regarding the cheesecake...thank you for providing the link in the last limoncello post...on my list to make. i will let you know how it turns out...

  12. hi michelle..thank you so much for your kind words...and for adding me to your blogroll...i am honored...

    can't wait to get to know your blog..


  13. great site...I'm in the process of moving my family from England to Napa so this site is a rare treat.
