
Sunday, March 8, 2009

pancakes, my way??

i am incapable of following a recipe...i read tons of food and wine magazines, love cooking shows, devour cookbooks like some people read fiction best sellers...yet the simple act of faithfully executing the directions is impossible. i am always thinking about tweaking, adding, switching, changing...just a pinch of this...or a lot of that...and before you know it... a brand new dish.

the beauty of cooking is that experimenting is have "permission" to make it your use the ingredients you love...and to create your own favorites...
take pancakes. there are probably a zillion good options...but i felt the need to make up my own twist...and i have a number of options depending on what i feel like that day. last year i posted my cornmeal pancake recipe, "how about cornmeal pancakes with fresh blueberries?" and i still get emails from readers telling me how much they enjoyed the story.
today, it is sunday...the first day of daylight savings (yeah!!), the sun is shining, i spent all day yesterday gardening...pruning, edging, trimming...getting ready for spring (my camellias are in bloom!)....and pancakes are the perfect way to start a lazy, late sunday. i thought i would post my "just pancakes" pancakes recipe...a bit traditional, a bit different...always a hit with family and friends....and ask all of you to share your favorite breakfast (although we frequently eat them for dinner) pancake ideas...
i love the idea of combining white flour with whole a nice texture...and i thought using maple syrup instead of sugar would add some depth...white flour/white sugar sometimes can just seem bland....and, of course... regular readers know i almost always use extra virgin olive oil in my you go...pancakes, my way....
**note on ingredients..since i started my organic dog treat business, i always have organic unbleached flour and organic whole wheat flour, finely ground on hand. i find there really is a difference in the taste when using organic you can...go organic!

napa farmhouse 1885 pancakes
2 eggs
1 1/2 c milk
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 c. organic unbleached white flour
1 c. organic whole wheat flour-fine
2 scant tbsp baking powder
1 tsp sea salt

beat eggs with a whisk in a medium bowl. add milk, olive oil and maple syrup and whisk until well mixed. sift together flours, baking powder and salt and add to egg mixture. stir until just mixed...a few tiny lumps will not over mix. pour batter into a large liquid measuring pitcher (or other pitcher). pour about 3 tbsp pancake batter per pancake onto hot griddle or large skillet. cook until bubbles form and tops of pancakes look a bit dry. flip and cook until second side is golden brown. serve immediately.
this recipe makes a ton of pancakes...enough to serve can easily cut this recipe in half...
hope you enjoy the pancakes...and are as happy as i am with daylight savings time....i am so, so ready for spring and warm about you?


diane padoven
napa farmhouse 1885
"live a green life of style"

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  1. Yum! Pancakes! My favorite breakfast. I think I will give these a try. I love the maple syrup IN the pancakes.

  2. oh my goodness. you create edible, organic poetry. i have to try these soon. i love to add fruit to my pancake batter - summer peaches are always a treat.

  3. hi sarah...let me know if you try the recipe...and, yes..the maple syrup makes the difference!

  4. karin..your "bacon sandwich" idea makes me many kids would love that for breakfast before school??!!



  5. hi brooke! how are you feeling?
    i love to add fruit to pancake batter too...maybe an upcoming book club meeting can be a brunch...or breakfast for dinner...

    please share your pancake recipe!!


  6. I have never made fresh pancakes before! Only biscuit and I love that these are made with organic ingredients! Thanks for sharing!
