
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

did you vote yet?

what is more appropriate during our thanksgiving series than to give thanks for our right to vote? after what seems like a lifetime, election day is finally here. i have been reading reports on twitter all morning of long lines at polling places...and everyone is napa, where i live, we don't actually vote at a polling place. we fill out our ballots at home and either mail in or drop off at our local elections division office or a "vote by mail assistance center".... convenient..but this year, i find that i am really missing the tradition of pulling the lever...whatever the outcome, the most historic election in my lifetime.

so today's post is short and! whatever your party affiliation, however you think the results will be...please for the next for all the other open your choice in all the proposed propositions and new laws in your your voter information guide...voice your opinion via your, for those of you reading this post who are not united states citizens..i apologize for a bit of an "exclusionary" post...but today is too important to ignore...i promise to get back to thanksgiving, food, stories and recipes tomorrow...but focus is getting out the vote..and then staying glued to news coverage of the returns...happy election day everyone!!

do you have an interesting election day story? please share in the comments section of this post...

napa farmhouse 1885™
"live a green life of style"

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  1. I brought my 8 year old son with me to vote this morning because I wanted someone to be in the booth with me to witness this incredibly historic moment. I don't know if he will really appreciate it until he is a lot older, but I know I got really choked up when I pressed the "cast vote" button. I told my son about a time in this country not so long ago when Black people did not have the right to vote, and what a privilege it is to not only have this right, but to have the opportunity to vote for a Black candidate. It means something; we can't take it for granted.

    I really enjoy your Twitters, by the way.

  2. Yes, we voted! Would never, ever miss it for the world!

  3. i voted..or at least dropped off my 12:37 pm!! what a feeling!! what a historic day!!...wanna experience this feeling?? vote!!

  4. kate and dan..thanks for voting..and for the comments!

  5. thanks, food lover, for sharing this story..what a cool and memorable day for your son!
    btw..i discovered your blog and i love it..will check back frequently!

  6. I voted this morning!

  7. thanks white on rice couple..and congrats on your la times article..well done!

  8. hi chris and welcome..thanks for taking the time to comment...
